Required Documents.

  We will require certain documents from you when opening an account with us.
For existing South African Standard Bank current or savings account customers, we will endeavour to obtain your KYC documentation from the branch, failing to do so may result in us requesting some or all of the following documentation below.

Fax: 086 625 3295
Email: [email protected]
Post:  Internet Accounts
PO Box 61309
Marshalltown 2107
South Africa

For non Standard Bank current or savings account customers or Standard Bank customers residing in Namibia, Swaziland or Lesotho, certified copies or originals of these documents will have to be posted to us.

Individual - South African Standard Bank current or savings account customer
  1. Copy of a valid South African identity document (if resident) or passport (if foreigner) with your specimen signature.
  2. Proof of residential address, for example, water and electricity bill (not older than three months), your bank statement (not older than three) or current lease agreement. The documents must be in the name of the account holder. If not, written confirmation from the account holder that the applicant lives at the residential address and a copy of the account holder's identity document is required.
  3. Proof of income tax number, for example, copy of an official document issued by the South African Revenue Services. An IRP5 will not be accepted.
  4. Cancelled cheque or a certified copy of your bank statement (not required for South African Standard Bank current or savings account customers). The name of the bank account must correspond with the applicant�s details.

For non Standard Bank current or savings account customers or Standard Bank customers residing in Namibia, Swaziland or Lesotho, certified copies or originals of these documents will have to be posted to us.

Partnership - South African Standard Bank current or savings account customer

  1. Copy of partnership agreement.
  2. Copy of resolution covering opening, appointing of authorised representative and operation account.
  3. For authorised representative, documentary proof of residential address, for example, water and electricity bill (not older than three months), or current lease agreement.
  4. For authorised representative, copy of valid identity document (if resident) or passport (if foreigner).
  5. For all partners, copy of valid identity document (if resident) or passport (if foreigner) and registration documents for legal entities.
  6. Details of all partners (name; date of birth; identity number; residential address; tax number and contact details)
  7. Cancelled cheque or a copy of partnership bank statement (not required for South African Standard Bank current or savings account customers). The name of the bank account must correspond with the applicant�s details

For non Standard Bank current or savings account customers or Standard Bank customers residing in Namibia, Swaziland or Lesotho, certified copies or originals of these documents will have to be posted to us.

Trust - South African Standard Bank current or savings account customer

  1. Copy of trust deed or other founding documentation.
  2. Copy of letters from the Master of the Court on registration of trust and appointment of trustees.
  3. Copy of resolution covering opening, appointing of authorised representative and opening of account.
  4. For authorised representative, documentary proof of residential address, for example, water and electricity bill (not older than three months) or current lease agreement.
  5. For authorised representative, copy of valid identity document (if resident) or passport (if foreigner).
  6. For all trustees, beneficiaries and founders of trust, copy of valid identity document (if resident) or passport (if foreigner) and registration documents for legal entities.
  7. Details of all trustees, beneficiaries and founders of trust (name; date of birth; identity number; residential address and contact details).
  8. Proof of income tax number, for example, copy of an official document issued by the South African Revenue Services.
  9. Cancelled cheque or a copy of the trust bank statement (not required for South African Standard Bank current or savings account customers). The name of the bank account must correspond with the applicant�s details.

For non Standard Bank current or savings account customers or Standard Bank customers residing in Namibia, Swaziland or Lesotho, certified copies or originals of these documents will have to be posted to us.

Company - South African Standard Bank current or savings account customer

  1. Copy of Certificate of Incorporation of companies (CM1).
  2. Copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association for companies.
  3. Copy of notice of registered office and postal address (CK22) for companies.
  4. Copy of documentary proof of appointment of directors (CM29).
  5. Copy of resolution covering opening, appointing of authorised representative and operating of account.
  6. For authorised representative, proof of residential address, for example, water and electricity bill (not older than three months) or current lease agreement.
  7. For authorised representative, copy of valid identity document (if resident) or passport (if foreigner).
  8. For all directors and shareholders (holding more than 25% voting rights) of company, copy of valid identity document (if resident) or passport (if foreigner) and registration documents for legal entities.
  9. Details of all directors and shareholders (holding more than 25% voting rights of company (name; date of birth; identity number; residential address and contact details).
  10. Proof of income tax number and Vat registration number, for example, copy of an official document issued by the South African Revenue Services.
  11. Company letterhead.
  12. Cancelled cheque or a copy of company bank statement (not required for South African Standard Bank current or savings account customers). The name of the bank account must correspond with the applicants details.

For non Standard Bank current or savings account customers or Standard Bank customers residing in Namibia, Swaziland or Lesotho, certified copies or originals of these documents will have to be posted to us.

Closed Corporation (CC) - South African Standard Bank current or savings account customer

  1. Copy of Founding Statement (CK1) or amended Founding Statement (CK2) for CCs.
  2. Copy of Association Agreement for CCs (if applicable).
  3. Copy of resolution covering opening, appointing of authorised representative and operating of account.
  4. For authorised representative, proof of residential address, for example, water and electricity bill (not older than three months), current lease agreement.
  5. For authorised representative, copy of valid identity document (if resident) or passport (if foreigner).
  6. For all members of CCs, copy of valid identity document (if resident) or passport (if foreigner) and registration documents for legal entities.
  7. Details of all members of CC (name; date of birth; identity number; residential address and contact details).
  8. Proof of income tax number and Vat registration number, for example, copy of an official document issued by the South African Revenue Services.
  9. CC letterhead.
  10. Cancelled cheque or a copy of CC bank statement (not required for South African Standard Bank current or savings account customers). The name of the bank account must correspond with the applicants details.

For non Standard Bank current or savings account customers or Standard Bank customers residing in Namibia, Swaziland or Lesotho, certified copies or originals of these documents will have to be posted to us.